Geoscience information assists mineral explorers to identify areas with a higher probability of mineral discoveries. The rocks in identified areas may host a known mineral deposit or they may demonstrate characteristics of well-known ore deposits in Australia and around the world. Some of these areas are shown in South Australia's Exploration Models map. The Discover Gold program is focused on updating the gold models.

The Geological Survey of South Australia generates a wide variety of geoscience data streams, delivered through the South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)

Interpreted geoscience data, which helps users to more fully understand the prospectivity of an area, is released by the government as departmental or company reports. These reports and other information about South Australian gold can be found by searching the SARIG Georeference database.

New releases

A review initiated as part of the Discover Gold program has revised the gold mineral systems of the Central Gawler Craton region and recognised three major mineral systems.

Read the full report