
South Australia’s National Virtual Core Library node expanding rapidly.

The Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) has released an impressive 5,500 m plus of new spectral data from the South Australian HyLogger™ 3 since January 2021 (Fig 1). The data is from open file drillholes related to a variety of mineral systems from across the state and includes:

  • Neoproterozoic cores from the Pernatty and Bute areas on the Stuart Shelf with implications for sedimentary copper, complementing the current GSSA–CSIRO project on sedimentary copper prospectivity.
  • Cores from the Sherlock (Fig 2), Mount Torrens and Black Hill prospects in the Delamerian Orogen, complementing the GSSA – MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative project on the prospectivity of the Delamerian basement and overlying Murray Basin cover.
  • Four drill cores from the Netley cobalt–molybdenum porphyry target and 6 co-funded (PACE) drillholes from the Yorke Peninsula (PYD001–PYD006) for the GSSA Mineral Systems Footprints team. The transport and scanning of the Netley core was funded under AuScope’s National Virtual Core Library (NVCL) Activity 2 (core moving).

HyLogger drillholes first quarter 2021

Figure 1 SARIG screenshot showing HyLogger drillholes released in the first quarter of 2021.

Sherlock prospect spectral data

Figure 2 Spectral data from drillhole 12_SHR_004 (295508), Sherlock prospect.

To view and download the latest spectral geoscience data visit either:

– Georgina Gordon and Alicia Caruso, April 2021

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