On 23 December 2020, Hanson submitted a revised mine operations plan (MOP review) detailing the long-term quarry development plans.

The government has undertaken a detailed assessment of the MOP review involving technical specialists from the Department for Energy and Mining and other relevant government agencies. A summary and a full copy of the request for further information (RFI) and alterations is available:

Hanson must clarify the scope of their proposed operations, and provide risk analysis and evidence relevant to that scope. This involves analysing potential areas of impact including: air quality, noise, blasting, public safety, Aboriginal and non-aboriginal heritage, native vegetation and fauna, groundwater, surface water, hours of operation, visual amenity, traffic impacts at the mine access points, and third party property.

Hanson’s proposed operations cannot be undertaken without approval. Hanson will need to address the government requirements and submit an amended MOP Review for re-assessment to continue the application.

Hanson has six months to respond. Once a revised MOP review has been received, technical specialists from the Department for Energy and Mining, the Department for Environment and Water, the Environment Protection Authority and SA Health will then undertake a detailed assessment to determine if updated MOP can be approved or requires further alterations.