The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 (the Act) and Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Regulations 2024 (Regulations) have specific provisions which require matters to be determined by the Minister administering the Act. These, when made, are to be read as being part of the section of the Act or Regulations to which they relate.

This page hosts all current determinations made by the Minister.

Licensing determinations

Manner and form determination for a licence under section 31(1)(a) of the Act (PDF, 243.8 KB)

Manner and form determination for a Renewable Energy Feasibility Permit under section 8(3) of the Act (PDF, 243.2 KB)

Manner and form determination for a  licence or permit under transitional provisions (Part 5 - Transitional Provisions - Clause 17) of the Act (PDF, 262.8 KB)

Regulation determinations

Manner and form determination for the approval of a statement of environmental objectives under section 63(1) of the Act (PDF, 233.1 KB)

Manner and form determination for the approval of an operational management plan  under section 67(1) of the Act