The Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) is a South Australian government initiative that requires energy retailers to help households and businesses save on energy use and costs, and lower their greenhouse gas emissions.

This is done by setting energy efficiency and audit targets for energy retailers to meet. Retailers with a large number of residential customers are set additional targets that ensure a certain amount of the energy savings activities they do are delivered to low-income households.

Customers can contact any of the REES obliged retailers or third-party contractors to find out what energy savings activities may be available for homes or businesses.

The REES is implemented through Part 4 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 under the Electricity Act 1996 and Part 4 of the Gas Regulations 2012 under the Gas Act 1997 and is administered by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

Find out more about energy efficiency assistance and the REES.

Thresholds and targets

The REES consists of two three-year stages: 2015 to 2017 and 2018 to 2020. The Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy sets the annual REES targets at the beginning of each stage. As the REES administrator, ESCOSA then allocates the targets to each obliged energy retailer.

Key elements for REES operation for 2018 to 2020 were published in the 11 July 2017 Government Gazette, from page 2839 onward. These included the targets, obligation thresholds, and how targets were allocated for the period. Designated purchases for 2018 to 2020 are as published in the 11 December 2014 Government Gazette, on page 6648.

Annual energy efficiency targets (normalised gigajoules of energy)2,300,0002,300,0002,300,000
The amount of the total annual energy efficiency target to achieve by providing energy efficiency activities to priority group households (normalised gigajoules of energy)500,000500,000500,000
Annual energy audit target (number of audits)7,3677,3677,367

Energy audits and energy efficiency activities

The 29 August 2017 Government Gazette (pages 3723–3766) and 5 December 2017 Government Gazette (page 4807) included minimum specifications for 2018 to 2020 for:

  • energy audits that energy retailers can deliver to meet any energy audit targets
  • energy efficiency activities that energy retailers can deliver to meet their energy efficiency targets.

For competency requirements for people providing a REES energy audit, and for details about how to conduct an audit, download the energy audit specification:

Activity review and reporting – ministerial protocol

The REES Ministerial Protocol (PDF, 320.4 KB) provides guidelines for:

  • how the Minister determines the range of approved energy efficiency activities
  • reporting requirements for ESCOSA in its role as scheme administrator.

Activity specifications

For more information that applies to all approved REES energy efficiency activities, download the general specifications (PDF, 263.5 KB).

Note that a number of these specifications make reference to the government's installation of ceiling insulation – consumer safety self-assessment and installer acknowledgement form (PDF, 314.9 KB).


Building sealing


Heating and cooling

Water heating


Stand-by power


Alternative method

In-home display

For more information
