An initial incident report must be provided to the Minister within 24 hours after the holder of the tenement becomes aware of the occurrence of a reportable incident.

A final comprehensive report must be provided to the Minister within 1 month after the holder of the tenement becomes aware of the occurrence of a reportable incident.

A list of reportable incidents is included in the initial incident report template and leading indicator report templates given below.

Incident reports and leading indicator reports must be provided in the manner and form and contain such information as set out in the relevant templates (see below).

Initial incident report template

The initial incident report must provide details of the incident and include relevant environmental outcomes/objectives, tenement conditions and measurement criteria.

Open the template and complete the report as a Word document

Initial incident report template (DOCX, 283.5 KB)

Leading indicator report template

Leading indicators are criteria used to give an early warning that a control strategy in a program under Part 10A of the Mining Act may fail or be failing.

Open the template and complete the report as a Word document

Leading indicator report template (DOCX, 279.1 KB)

Comprehensive incident report template

Open the template and complete the report as a Word document

Comprehensive incident report template (DOCX, 163.9 KB)

Submitting the reports

Incident report submissions must be made using the following submission form: