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Santos is a global energy company committed to increasingly cleaner energy and fuels production, supplying critical fuels such as oil and gas in a more sustainable way through decarbonising projects while we all transition to cleaner fuels.

Program: Community partnership - conservation of the Australian Giant Cuttlefish

Premier's Awards category:  Community - Energy

The annual migration of the Australian Giant Cuttlefish to breed in the waters of the Upper Spencer Gulf is a unique event attracting significant global interest. The congregation of giant cuttlefish takes place at Stony Point, near Santos’ Port Bonython facilities, which overlays this sensitive breeding ground.

Santos has embarked on a multi-year community partnership with the Australian Ocean Laboratory Limited (AusOcean) to help monitor and protect the Australian Giant Cuttlefish by raising awareness of its annual migration patterns and the broader marine environment to maintain healthy oceans.

The initiative began in 2021 and supports the integration of a hands-on STEM learning program in collaboration with Whyalla Secondary College students (formerly Whyalla High School).

Santos worked with AusOcean to support the construction of a rig: a low-cost sea surface platform for supporting ocean science in coastal waters. Everything from construction, deployment and monitoring of the rig was undertaken by young people, with approximately 30 students participating in the course to date. The students have benefitted from AusOcean’s Network Blue Learning Hub, completing courses that include rig building, underwater camera, marine data science and entrepreneurship.

The program supports ongoing monitoring activities which enables livestreaming of the cuttlefish via underwater cameras.

Santos has also extended support for local infrastructure projects to help promote the site as a visitor attraction. This has included the donation of a water tank and shower.

Santos looks forward to an ongoing collaboration with AusOcean and Whyalla Secondary College throughout 2024, which will see continued delivery of the Network Blue program through an integrated STEM curriculum.

Whyalla students with rig

Santos' sea surface rig

Research rig

Watch the video to find out more about Santos' partnership with AusOcean and Whyalla High School

Giant cuttlefish

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