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Program:  National Exploration Undercover School (NExUS)

Category: Innovation and collaboration (resources) - mineral, extractives or petroleum exploration or operations

Geoscience has never been more important to our society. However, the skills required to discover new mineral deposits are not always taught at university.

The National Exploration Undercover School (NExUS), an independent educational initiative coordinated through the University of Adelaide,  was co-founded by Dr Richard Lilly in 2016 to provide advanced training for the most promising student and early career geoscientists in Australia through field camps and workshops.

The NExUS program also offers a range of professional development workshops (with more than 800 participants to date), undergraduate networking activities, a geoscience/STEMM outreach program and YouTube channel.

NExUS is a leading example of collaboration between industry, academia and government and has engaged with over 50 companies, 30 institutions, and over 120 professional geoscientists since 2016. With an alumni of 267 graduates from every State and Territory, the NExUS program has built a very strong national and international reputation for excellence in delivering practical geoscience education.

The program has received in-kind support from the Department for Energy and Mining, including the use of the South Australian Drill Core Reference Library at Tonsley for hosting lectures and workshops. The use of this world-class facility allows the first three days of the two-week program to showcase South Australian geoscience in Australia's finest core facility.

Technical experts from the Geological Survey of South Australia have also presented as part of the annual program, and have contributed to a range of online workshops for a global geoscience audience. The expertise from these high quality contributions raises the standard of education for the participants, and again showcases the excellent geoscience capabilities in South Australia.

Previous awards

The NExUS program leader, Dr Richard Lilly, was recognised by two awards in 2022:

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