Winner: Young Indigenous Achiever

Finalist: Young Achiever

Latika Kean

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Lakita is a Wadjuk Nyoongar, Cambodian and Maori woman living in Adelaide.

She  works at BHP as an Asset Integrity Specialist within the Governance and Technical Stewardship department at Olympic Dam where her role involves supporting maintenance execution teams on site with the fixed structures defect management process. Lakita is also responsible for the Asset Integrity Management Systems reporting adherence for the Maintenance Centre of

Lakita started at BHP as the only Indigenous employee in her department, which was an overwhelming experience. She wanted to improve the workforce inclusion and diversity, and with fellow colleagues developed an Olympic Dam First Nations Ally Network to support and drive initiatives to bridge the gap between the business and the Indigenous workforce. Lakita now co-leads the network which was launched in February this year (2023).

She has also been successful in her role of Indigenous Engagement Coordinator. This role provides the opportunity to progress
Spirit's vision and her personal goals of making a sustainable change within the Indigenous workforce and community.

Lakita grew up in Perth, Western Australia, moved to Adelaide in her senior year and completed her ATAR at Henley High School.  She also successfully started her own business in beauty, which is still in operation. Lakita enrolled in business school at the University of South Australia, and undertook a cadetship in Human Resources at SA Water.

She is now a proud single mum working at BHP, creating an environment where Indigenous young people aspire to be leaders within business and industry and ensuring opportunities and pathways exist to support them in that endeavour.

Hear more about Lakita's career development and achievements:

Award history

  • BHP Indigenous Trainee of the Year Awards 2021