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Commendation: Health and safety - Resources

BHP is focused on the resources the world needs to develop and decarbonise, including copper, nickel, potash, iron ore and metallurgical coal for the steel needed for global infrastructure and the energy transition.

Project: Whole Body Vibration (WBV) project

Premier's Awards category: Health and safety - Resources

The Whole Body Vibration (WBV) project was implemented at Olympic Dam (OD) in 2020 to transition from a reactive to proactive approach to sustainably reduce back and neck injuries.

This project was initiated following data gleaned from return-to-work claims in which 33% in the mine were back injuries, with 75% of these involving underground mine production truck operators.

Safety is BHP's highest priority and this project has been key to improving safety underground in addressing operational and cultural drivers for back and neck injuries in mine production.

A multi-disciplinary working group was formed to identify solutions targeting improved operating practices, equipment, and facilities to accommodate a diverse workforce. Initiatives included:

  • Fleet upgrades to eliminate or reduce whole body vibration exposure or poor ergonomics
  • Introduction of standing tables in underground facilities with information posters to promote standing
  • Education on injury prevention and management

The project has demonstrated an improvement in injury prevention, reporting and management culture for the mine production workforce. Recordable illnesses have decreased year-on year from 20 in FY21 to 14 in FY22 and 11 in FY23.

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