The Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) acknowledges the specific disadvantages and potential for increased vulnerability faced by women, children and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities Where relevant, these disadvantages and risks are intended to be addressed in the operation and administration of this Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

On this page

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge and respect the Traditional Custodians whose ancestral lands we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationships that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country. We also pay our respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their nations in South Australia, as well as those across Australia.

Statement from Chief Executive

The Department for Energy and Mining strives to build an inclusive culture that values personal and professional diversity. We believe this will support the creation of positive and sustainable outcomes and enable a collaborative contribution to our success.

The DAIP articulates our collective responsibility for upholding the rights of people living with disability to access our services and programs, to seek employment with us and to thrive as existing employees of the department.

As part of DEM’s commitment to supporting accessibility and social inclusion, the DAIP captures several actions that we believe will make a positive change. The internet is a primary resource for the community to obtain government information and to do business with government. In the first instance, it is essential that people with disability can access the wealth of information available on all our websites. We also commit to improving physical access to our buildings; providing assistive technologies to support access to collections of public interest and events hosted by the department; consulting with our customers and stakeholders on access and inclusion issues; and establishing flexible work arrangements with accessible recruitment and selection processes. In addition to this, we recognise that there will always be more to be done.

The DAIP is available on the DEM website, and its implementation will be supported by divisional business plans, with progress reported annually to myself and to the Chief Executive of the Department of Human Services. The DAIP is an evolving document which sets our focus and goals for contributing to a community that genuinely welcomes, respects and values everyone, irrespective of their abilities, age or background.

I look forward to taking the next steps in leading us towards the creation of an accessible and inclusive environment for all to prosper and succeed.

Paul Heithersay
Chief Executive
Department for Energy and Mining

About the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM)

Our business

DEM is responsible for delivering affordable, reliable and secure energy supplies in a transitioning national energy market while responsibly unlocking the value and opportunities offered by South Australia’s mineral and energy resources.

Some of the services and information provided by the Department include:

  • Provision of free and independent energy advisory services to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy technology
  • Management of the enforcement, compliance and promotion of technical and safety regulation and the monitoring and management of emergency (energy related) events
  • Maintenance of the South Australia Drill Core Reference Library
  • Assessment, approval and compliance monitoring of mineral exploration activities throughout South Australia
  • Provision of expertise, data and information on petroleum and geothermal prospectivity, as well as regulation of the petroleum and geothermal industries in the state
  • Designing and delivering major energy initiatives such as the South Australia Home Battery Scheme and Virtual Power Plant
  • Collaboration with industry and Federal and local governments to identify and plan for infrastructure investment necessary to support the state’s resources sector

Staff profile

As at June 2020, DEM employs 332 people with approximately 2.4 per cent of our employees self-identifying as living with a disability.

Our vision for disability access and inclusion

At DEM we recognise that supporting accessibility and inclusion is not only the right thing to do, but is instrumental in achieving our vision of being the best government department in Australia. Diversity is woven into our values and we acknowledge that disability is just another aspect of human diversity. By celebrating, supporting and thriving on the collective sum of our individual differences, we will fulfil our common purpose of delivering the best outcomes for all South Australians.

Disability defined

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA), hereafter referred to as 'the Act', defines disability in relation to a person as including long-term:

  • physical
  • psycho-social
  • intellectual
  • cognitive
  • neurological, or
  • sensory impairment, or
  • a combination of any of these impairments

which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder the person’s full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

Strategic context

The Department for Human Services established a policy framework for DAIPs in South Australian government agencies through Inclusive Inclusive SA: State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023.

The State Plan gives effect to the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (NDS) and incorporates the principles in the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

The Department for Energy and Mining DAIP aligns with the four themes and associated priorities in the State Disability Inclusion Plan:

Theme 1: Inclusive communities for all
Social inclusion is a priority for people living with disability as it affects all aspects of their lives.

  • Priority 1: Involvement in the community
  • Priority 2: Improving community understanding and awareness
  • Priority 3: Promoting the rights of people living with disability

Theme 2: Leadership and collaboration
People living with disability want to have a greater role in leading and contributing to government and community decision-making.

  • Priority 4: Participation in decision-making
  • Priority 5: Leadership and raising profile
  • Priority 6: Engagement and consultation

Theme 3: Accessible communities
The accessibility of the built environment, quality services and information is key to ensuring people living with disability are included and have the opportunity to equally participate in all aspects of community life.

  • Priority 7: Universal Design across South Australia
  • Priority 8: Accessible and available information
  • Priority 9: Access to services

Theme 4: Learning and employment
Workforce participation is fundamental to social inclusion. It provides economic independence and choice, social connections and friendships, value, identity and belonging.


Theme 1: Inclusive communities for all

Social inclusion is a priority for people living with disability as it affects all aspects of their lives.

Focus area

Priority 1: Involvement in the community
Priority 2: Improving community understanding and awareness
Priority 3: Promoting the rights of people living with disability

Implement foundational disability awareness training for all existing staff and include this training in the DEM induction program for new employees 100 percent completion on relevant course/s in employee training plans People and Culture March 2021
Explore options for delivering further disability awareness training that is relevant to the specific DEM context Review completed and recommendations provided to the Manager, People and Culture People and Culture May 2021
For all events organised by DEM (or where DEM is the lead organiser when this is a joint venture with other agencies or stakeholders) aim to provide venues, facilities and communications that are accessible and inclusive Number of events reviewed against the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Events Guide and Department of Human Services (DHS) Event Toolkit
Number of complaints from event participants and number of suggestions actioned
Manager, Communications and Marketing
Senior Events Coordinator
Commemorate a day that celebrates the contributions people with disability make to society, for example International Day of People with Disability or Autism Awareness Day Workplace events are organised on an annual basis in collaboration with relevant peak bodies Diversity and Culture Committee Annually

Theme 2: Leadership and collaboration

People living with disability want to have a greater role in leading and contributing to government and community decision-making.

Focus area

Priority 4: Participation in decision-making
Priority 5: Leadership and raising profile
Priority 6: Engagement and consultation

Ensure external customer complaint and feedback systems (for example in OTR)  are accessible to people with disability All departmental complaints materials and pathways are reviewed to support accessibility All DEM Divisional Directors June 2021
Include people living with disability (individuals and peak bodies) in surveys, consultation and community engagement projects (for example, management of the Remote Area Energy Supply (RAES) scheme) Department consultation and engagement materials and practices are reviewed against the DHS Engagement Toolkit All DEM Divisional Directors June 2021

Theme 3: Accessible communities

The accessibilitiy of the built environment, quality services and information is key to ensuring people living with disability are included and have the opportunity to equally participate in all aspects of community life.

Focus area

Priority 7: Universal Design across South Australia
Priority 8: Accessible and available information
Priority 9: Access to services

Develop and maintain DEM websites and intranet pages to ensure people with disability can readily access information All DEM websites and intranet pages are AA compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.0 or 2.1 Manager, Communications and Marketing December 2021
Ensure our web and intranet editors are aware of, and practice, online accessibility principles 100 per cent of DEM online editors receive accessibility training and completion is recorded in the Learning Management System (LMS) Manager, Communications and Marketing March 2021
Ensure all publications, information and marketing material use inclusive language, correct symbols and access information (where relevant), apply accessible design principles, are written in plain English and are readily provided in alternative formats on request

Audit compliance with:

  • DEM Style Guide
  • Inclusive SA toolkit
  • SA Government’s Marketing, Communications and Advertising Guidelines
  • Increase in the number of people requesting documents in alternative formats
Manager, Communications and Marketing Ongoing
Annually audit DEM owned and/or occupied facilities against the Disability (Access to Premises — Buildings) Standards 2010 to ensure safe, equitable and dignified access for people with disability Number of identified Disability Standards 2010 priority non-compliance issues within DEM owned and/or occupied facilities Corporate Services Annually
Ensure principals of universal design are considered and consult with people with disability in the planning stages for building redevelopments and new fit-outs for offices and public buildings Seven principles of universal design are incorporated in all redevelopments and fit-outs Corporate Services Ongoing
Investigate and implement ways to improve access to public services (for example, Energy Advisory Service) through provision of assistive technologies, inclusive signage and translation capabilities, using the DHS Toolkit as a guide Number of accessibility improvements implemented by divisions Mineral Resources, Energy Resources, Growth State and Low Carbon Transmission Divisonal Directors August 2021
Review role statements for targeted roles/functions such as web design, communications and facilities management to ensure outcomes, skills or knowledge refer to the relevant accessibility standards and guidelines 100 per cent of relevant role statements reviewed People and Culture  April 2021

Theme 4: Learning and employment

Focus area

Priority 10: Better supports within educational and training settings
Priority 11: Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning
Priority 12: Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces

Review Human Resources policies and recruitment, selection and onboarding processes to support accessibility and inclusion Number of policies reviewed People and Culture  June 2021
Increase awareness of alternative avenues for filling vacancies as identified in the DEM Recruitment Procedure Number of hiring campaigns demonstrating evidence of having accessed alternative recruitment options to broaden the pool of candidates People and Culture June 2021
Update the DEM Induction Checklist to identify the requirement for a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) All employees with a relevant disability and/or limited mobility are identified and have a PEEP in place Team Leader, Safety and Wellbeing and Emergency Floor Wardens August 2021
Make disability awareness training available to all hiring managers and promote the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment (OCPSE) Disability Employment Toolkit Employees have completed disability awareness training People and Culture June 2021
Identify barriers and issues around disclosure of disability at DEM to inform cultural change Increase in the number of employees at DEM who identify as having a disability so that this figure is more representative of the South Australian population People and Culture June 2021
Identify opportunities to purchase goods and services from Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) and from organisations who have strong inclusive employment practices and provide employment to people living with disability Opportunities to purchase goods and services from ADEs or organisations that provide employment opportunities identified and promoted on the DEM intranet Corporate Services December 2020

Disability access and inclusion plan development

Consultation process

The draft DAIP was made available for internal consultation to all DEM employees and was featured in the Chief Executive’s weekly newsletter. Input was sought directly from the DEM Diversity and Culture Committee and People and Culture team.

The draft document was uploaded to the DEM website and was also made available in an Easy Read format. The opportunity for public consultation on the draft was advertised on the YourSAy Disability Access and Inclusion Plan consultation hub, as well as on DEM social media channels. Furthermore, comment was sought directly from two peak bodies representing people with disability and from three Aboriginal administration organisations.

Feedback from the consultation process was incorporated in the final version of the DAIP and resulted in amendments to terminology, action items and measurable targets.

Relationship to other policies, strategies, frameworks

The Department for Energy and Mining’s commitment to the development and implementation of a DAIP is captured in the agency Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. In addition to the DAIP, the Department articulates its focus on disability issues in agency policy and procedure as outlined below:

  • DEM currently supports the employment of people with disability by providing hiring managers with access to Employment Opportunity Programs as described in the DEM Recruitment Procedure (DEMPRO. 055) and by supporting the implementation of the SA Public Sector Disability Employment Strategy.
  • The department supports people with disability to advocate for their own rights by committing to improved access to DEM services and, where this does not happen satisfactorily, to providing additional support to people with disability in the complaints handling process as outlined in the DEM Complaints and Feedback Policy (DEMPOL. 023).
  • DEM aims to promote and protect the contribution and rights of people with disability by having a zero tolerance approach to discrimination in the workplace as described in the DEM Respectful Behaviours Policy (DEMPOL. 057)

Previous achievements with respect to disability access and inclusion

The Department for Energy and Mining was established as a stand-alone State Government agency in 2018. The functional areas of DEM were previously incorporated in agencies such as the Department for State Development and Department of the Premier and Cabinet. These agencies previously developed and implemented DAIPs which, at the time, guided the approach of those functional areas with respect to disability access and inclusion.

Implementation process

We will form a sub-working group within the DEM Diversity and Culture Committee to monitor the implementation of our DAIP and to review it annually so that it remains relevant to the work we do and the broader needs and interests of people with disability.

In accordance with the Act, DEM will formally review this DAIP every four years or following a review of the State Plan. Our Chief Executive will receive a report on the progress of our DAIP by 31 October each year.

Our DAIP will be available to our employees and contractors and the South Australian community. It will be promoted on the department’s website, including in an accessible format, and can be made available in other formats and languages upon request.

Glossary and definitions


Accessibility is about ensuring that people with disability have equal access to programs, employment, training, goods and services, premises, communication, information and technology.


Inclusion is about embracing and harnessing our diverse resources. It is about removing attitudinal, behavioural and physical barriers so that everyone feels valued and respected, has equal access to opportunities, and is empowered to participate and contribute their skills and perspectives to their workplace and society.


National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 — the strategy is a shared commitment by all governments to work together to improve the lives of Australians with disability by guiding governments and other organisations to build the wellbeing of people with disability and their carers.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: a human rights treaty that aims to change attitudes and approaches to people with disability. It reaffirms that all people with disability must enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Universal design

Universal design involves creating facilities, built environments, products and services that can be used by people of all abilities, to the greatest extent possible, without adaptations.