The South Australian Mineralogical Data Package provides spectral data for over 850 drill holes from across South Australia. The package is complementary to the National Virtual Core Library available through SARIG, AuScope and AGSON portals and makes available mineralogy and spectral scalars in a format compatible with third party software. These data have been compiled in GOCAD to enable analysis and assessment at various scales. To aid interpretation of this point data, 3D voxet interpolations are also available for download.

3D view of holes in the data package

Perspective view of drillhole traces coloured by the wavelength position of the 2200nm absorption feature.

All open file drillholes in South Australia that have been scanned with the HyLogger™ as at April 2016 were re-processed using a new workflow. This dataset presents all of the HyLogger™ data in the State in a consistent manner using the same spectral libraries.

The South Australian Mineralogical Data Package, a product derived from the National Virtual Core Library, has many geoscientific applications including:

  • Mineral exploration can use HyLogger™ data to assist with lithological logging, characterising lithological units and mapping hydrothermal systems
  • Petroleum exploration can use HyLogger™ data to determine stratigraphic correlation between petroleum wells and basin evolution

Download the South Australian Mineralogical Data Packages

For a full list of available data, refer to RB 2016/00023, South Australian Spectral Database.